Providing Legal Service.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec enim eros, rutrum in sollicitudin nec, lobortis non felis. Nulla vitae eros quis felis faucibus lobortis. Aliquam sed egestas ligula. Ut eu congue est, quis venenatis urna. Mauris id quam venenatis, tincidunt tellus id, cursus ipsum. Pellentesque laoreet velit eu commodo blandit. Nulla porttitor, metus eget congue luctus, orci orci rutrum ante, in ullamcorper arcu erat in tortor.
In augue turpis, gravida ut varius a, pretium et lacus. Fusce sodales velit odio, et tempor arcu aliquam nec. Pellentesque diam magna, tempus nec tempus vel, venenatis vel diam. Fusce et turpis quis justo viverra pulvinar. Etiam enim nibh, ultricies et nunc ut, tincidunt feugiat enim. Nullam orci magna, egestas feugiat lobortis s. luctus at lectus. Maecenas lacinia commodo dapibus. Phasellus tempor feugiat nulla, sed aliquam diam varius et. Praesent convallis libero erat.
King Law has extensive experience across all industries. We bring each client a combination of deep industry knowledge and expert perspectives from other industries on the challenge at stake.
Lawyer Francesco Daniele - Attorney before Italian courts - Attorney before European and international courts - Arbitrator of international bodies
Attorney Francesco Daniele holds a Master of Laws, a Master of Physiotherapy and a Master of Economics. He holds a…
Lawyer Pierluigi Daniele - Legal aid before the higher courts
Registered in the register of representatives before the higher judiciary. Expert in the subject in the chair of Bankruptcy Law at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of L'Aquila; Expert in the subject in the chair of Private Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Teramo; Expert in the subject in the chair of Commercial Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Teramo; Contract professor in the chair of Criminal Law at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of L'Aquila for the A.A. 2007/2008 and 2008/2009; Carispaq Manager until 2018, of the Legal and Pre-litigation Service of Carispaq s.p.a., within which he carried out, in addition to management and consultancy activities, professional activity as a lawyer, registered in the special list of the L'Aquila Bar Association. Since 2008 he has been a professor of bankruptcy law at the School of Forensic Training in L'Aquila. Since 2010 he has been Mediator at the Forensic Mediation Body of the L'Aquila Bar Association. Since 2016 he has been appointed as a teacher for the training course for managers of over-indebtedness crisis proceedings pursuant to and for the purposes of the Ministerial Decree. 202/2014, organized by the Forum Aterni Foundation, by all the AOCs of Abruzzo and by the University of Teramo, on the theme of "The inspection tools of the attester in judging the veracity of company data". He has gained considerable experience, both in litigation and in consultancy, in banking, corporate, civil, commercial, bankruptcy, labour, administrative and criminal matters. He has similar experience in the field of corporate restructuring and in the management of all pre-litigation situations. He is a consultant for leading joint-stock companies for which he oversaw the adaptation to the disciplines dictated by Legislative Decree No. 231/2001 regarding the administrative liability of companies. In this context he has gained particular experience in the field of environmental crimes with particular reference to crimes relating to noise pollution and asbestos. He has gained considerable experience in healthcare matters, with particular reference to the responsibilities of the A.S.L., and of his employees, for damages from medical liability. He is a consultant to the top management of primary banking institutions and companies operating in the national territory, to which he provides legal assistance in contractual, judicial and extrajudicial terms.